
Resources for Students

Counseling Services

Contact the Office of Counseling Services for information and resources related to tobacco use and cessation resources. As a student, you can make an appointment for individual coaching and participate in group sessions with a focus on triggers, alternative activities, and education about the process of quitting. Drop by or call to make an appointment at 812-488-2663.

Resources for Employees

Office of Human Resources

Employees can obtain information and resources related to tobacco use and cessation resources that are available to the campus community. Contact the office at 812-488-2943.

  • Wellness Credit

    The University offers a Smoking Cessation Wellness Credit for participants in our HRA health insurance plan. Employees and spouses enrolled in the HRA plan who are smokers may earn a one-time wellness credit of $500 each upon the successful completion of the UE Smoking Cessation Program. This program is administered by our wellness nurse, Carolyn Hendrickson The program includes a nicotine test at the beginning and end of the program and participation in an approved smoking cessation class. Other cessation resources include a free Smoking Cessation / Nicotine Patch program offered through the Vanderburgh County Health Department.

  • The University's on-site Health Clinic

    Tri-State Community Clinics provides smoking cessation resources and support for employees and family members enrolled in our health insurance plans. Information about area resources are also available for those not on one of the University's health plans.

Common Resources

  • On-Campus Information and Resources

    Obtain free information and literature from the Office of Counseling and Health Education or our campus health center. Health education coordinates regularly-scheduled cessation sessions open to the campus community.

  • Indiana Quitline

    Quit Now Indiana provides information and educational resources about cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and secondhand smoke. It offers testimonials from real people that have quit using tobacco. Resources include:

    • Access the 1-800-QUIT-NOW line (Available 24/7 by calling 1-800-784-8669)
    • Talk with a Quit Coach (24/7)
    • Enroll at (free) and take part in Web Coach® and Text2Quit®, with user-friendly features designed to provide support needed throughout the quitting process.
    • Sign up to be a Quit Buddy to help loved ones and co-workers who desire to quit smoking to quit and remain smoke-free.
  •, Smokefree Teen, and Smokefree Teen on Facebook

    Provides information to help you or someone you care about quit smoking. The information and professional assistance available on this website can help to support both your immediate and long-term needs as you become, and remain, a non-smoker. Resources include:

    • LiveHelp: the National Cancer Institute's instant messaging service
    • National Cancer Institute's telephone quitline: 1-877-44U-QUIT
    • SmokefreeTXT, the National Cancer Institute's text messaging service
    • Smokefree apps, quizzes, and materials to download
  • American Lung Association

  • The Center for Disease Control

    Listings of government resources geared to help people stop smoking.

  • My Last Dip

    A self-guided web-based smokeless tobacco cessation program. This includes testimonials from others that have successfully stopped using smokeless tobacco products.

  • Kill the Can

    An online forum and support for those wishing to stop using smokeless tobacco products that includes a handy cost calculator. All articles are written by individuals that have quit the can.

  • Mobile Apps