Disability Accommodation
Students that have a documented disability or a health concern that requires specific housing arrangements may request a reasonable accommodation in housing. Students should complete all of the following to request this accommodation.
- Contact Disability Services at disabilityservices@seezl.com or 812-488-2663 to schedule an appointment with a Disability Services staff member to review the request and process for registering with Disability Services. Any student requesting a housing accommodation will be required to submit supporting documentation from a licensed healthcare professional.
- Complete the Request for Accommodation in Housing form by clicking on the link located below. This form will be shared with Disability Services and Residence Life staff.
- Indicate accommodation needs on your application for housing.
This will be reviewed by Disability Services in consultation with the Office of Residence Life. All information submitted will be treated as confidential. The University's evaluation of these requests is based on the severity of the condition, the timing of the request, and the feasibility and availability of modifications of space requested.
Note: Requests for single rooms as an accommodation based solely on a desire to have a "quiet, undisturbed place to study" are generally not granted. The University provides quiet study areas in the residence halls and in the library.
Requests should be submitted as early as possible to allow adequate time to make arrangements or modifications as appropriate. Requests for emotional support animals can take up to 30 days from the date that requested documentation is received to review and determine if the request is approved.
Request for Accommodation in Housing
Support Animal
The University of Evansville recognizes the value and need of service animals to assist some students with disabilities. Service animals can be defined as a dog or miniature horse that are trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task that the animal has been trained to perform must be related to the person's disability. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Students enrolled in classes may voluntarily register their service animal with Disability Services. While this is not required, it may aide the student in accessing the University premises and will allow our office to prepare a safe and healthy environment for the student, their service animal, and others.
Students must give Disability Services at least a 30-day notice if they intend to have a service animal with them in campus housing so that appropriate arrangements regarding placement and roommates can be made.
View Full Policy and Procedures
Emotional Support Animal Protocol and Agreement
It is recognized that emotional support animals can provide valuable support to students with properly documented disabilities. Since the animal is not a service animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the University needs to review documentation to determine if the request for this accommodation is a reasonable and appropriate accommodation under the Fair Housing Act.
The University will work with students to help define the role and the place of emotional support animal(s) at the University of Evansville. A requesting individual should provide the Disability Services office appropriate documentation at least 30 days before prospective housing will be needed for the emotional support animal. Written requests should be submitted to Debbie Brenton, Coordinator of Disability Services.
- Download the Process for Requesting an Emotional Support Animal
- Download the Emotional Support Animal Protocol and Agreement
Dietary Requirements
If you have an allergy or special dietary needs, we encourage you to schedule a meeting with the dining team prior to the start of the semester. It can help to meet with the dining team to address any questions or concerns. Together we can develop a plan to fit your dining needs.
Students who have dietary needs or food allergies may request reasonable accommodations related to their meal plan. To do so, please complete a Request for Dietary Accommodation Form. Reasonable efforts will be made to build dietary accommodation plans that are nutritionally comparable to the food choices offered to other students. Request forms and supporting documentation should be forwarded to the coordinator of disability services. This documentation will be reviewed jointly by Disability Services, Residence Life, and Chartwells Dining Services. A follow-up meeting may be scheduled to discuss specific needs and establish a plan. Due to the severity of some allergic reactions, it may be necessary to inform appropriate staff of dietary restrictions.
For additional information regarding housing accommodation requests, please contact:
Brian Conner
Assistant Director of Residence Life
UC 229 - 812-488-2956
For general questions and support related to Disability Services, emotional support animals or to request an academic accommodation, please contact:
Debbie Brenton
Assistant Director/Disability Services
UC 205 – 812-488-2663
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center