Katlyn Kendzierski, PT, DPT '18, NCS
Physical Therapy

Class Year: 2018
Neurologic Physical Therapist , Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
While a student at UE, Katlyn learned many lessons while serving others in the student-led pro bono Ace CARE programs. “I would not be where I am today if it weren't for the Ace CARE organization, and specifically being a coordinator of ACErcise, a group exercise session for those with neurological conditions. This organization prepared me well beyond my academic knowledge, and allowed me to fall in love with a population I previously did not think I would work with.”
Currently a neurological physical therapist at Ohio State University, Katlyn developed a student-led, community based exercise program for the neurological population while in residency. "I want to provide additional resources for this population that can be utilized in adjunct with their therapy, as well as for post-discharge. I am also very passionate about the adapted sports programs we have here in Columbus, Ohio, and getting my patients that have experienced a spinal cord injury exposed and involved."
Katlyn encourages incoming students to get involved outside of the classroom. “Be involved with Ace CARE. No amount of studying in your notes or books will top actual patient care. You will grow personally and professionally in ways you never expected. It is our responsibility as PTs to serve our community, and what better way than through this amazing organization!”
The years Katlyn spent at UE as an undergraduate exercise science and Doctor of Physical Therapy student prepared her both personally and professionally. “I cannot imagine my PT experience being anywhere other than UE. I still remain in contact with many of my professors, and every time I come back to visit I feel right at home. There is just something about UE that is such a tight-knit family, and I honestly have not met people who challenge and support you to go above and beyond the best version of yourself in the way the UE DPT faculty does.”