Danielle Honnette
Physical Therapy Residency

Describe your career path from residency graduation to your current position.
After residency, I chose to stay on with ProRehab and give back to the program. I understood there was still more learning to be done and I wasn't certain where I wanted to go next. I became the team PT for the softball team at UE and a mentor within the residency specifically within the UE athletic training room where I would spend one afternoon a week working alongside current residents and assisting the athletic trainers with more challenging cases. Additionally, while at ProRehab - I was a part of a team that developed a new transitional training program, ProMotion - using data to direct programming and improve movement.
I then decided to make a jump to another facility in Ocala, Florida with Mountain River Physical Therapy. This opportunity provided a different clinical experience alongside a full performance facility. I made connections with the local Junior College in town and started working with their very talented baseball team. Relationships and connections eventually brought about the opportunity to move into my new position with the Minnesota Twins as a Minor League Physical Therapist.
What are you passionate about in your work?
I love problem-solving and helping athletes get back on the field, but even more so I love teaching them and educating them to take ownership in the process. Sometimes I think we make the problem more than what it is, and I love trying to simplify it. Additionally, being in an environment where I can learn from those around me and have a team of different professionals to get a better understanding of how to solve a problem - that's where the challenge is, but also where great things can happen.
How did the residency experience help shape your success?
The UE & ProRehab Sports Residency really laid a great foundation for me - I sought it out specifically to learn how to become a “sports expert” but came away with so much more than that. The community, support, and feedback from my residency family are probably first and foremost. The relationships I formed have been pivotal in my career. Additionally, residency allowed me a lot of different opportunities outside of the day to day of clinic-life that allowed me to explore and figure out what I really enjoy.
Advice for current DPT students?
Look at every experience as something to learn and grow from - the clinical rotation or setting you may not love still provides insight and value. While you may not be doing exactly what you want out of school - you can make it into something that helps you get to where you want to be with a growth mindset. Explore different opportunities and accept challenges. There is always an opportunity to be found, and finding individuals to surround yourself with to help you see that is imperative. Don't shy away from change because it's scary, because it is guaranteed growth and sometimes the best growth opportunity you weren't expecting.
Anything else you would like to share about the profession or your residency experience?
The gamechanger for me was being told very early in my career, “You have permission to fail, and I expect it. If you're not failing, you're not growing. The only thing that would actually be considered a failure is if you pretend to have it all together, to have all the answers, and don't ask questions.” I don't think we hear this enough as a student, as a resident, or even as a practicing “experienced” professional.